Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just a Little Behind....yada yada Part 2

Ok. So we left off with my little boy graduating high school.

My sister and her family, which includes the ever so cute Abby redhead extraordinaire, and my Mom came to California for the aforementioned little boy's graduation.

My sister came on her birthday and I missed her husband Dustin's birthday so I made them cookies.

Kate is a big Cubbies fan and Dustin loves The Cardinals.

I also baked for my faculty friends

We did a lot of hanging around.

With Bella...

...and with aforementioned little boy.

We also went to Disneyland.

Sleepy girl.

And Sarah had her birthday.

We loved having everyone around!!!

More Later

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Just a Little Behind...or in My Case...Nevermind

At least I am only a month behind. You should see my scrapbooks. Yikes.

Soooooo My little Boo graduated.


It was a wonderful ceremony and a great week filled with lots of fun family times and two birthdays!!

Yes...some pictures follow. This will be part one of two. I'll take it easy on you.

Graduation rehearsal and last day of school.

Me and my very special class of seniors.

Me and my very special senior.

The whole family. Look how coordinated we were!!!

Proud Nana

Proud Aunt Kate. She spent a lot of time with him when he was little. It was so nice for her and her family to make the long trip here for this.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures.

I must go now and scrape my heart off the floor and get a Kleenex.

More later...I promise

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