Sunday, October 10, 2010

Project 365 Week 41

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Another week has flown by...geez it all goes too fast.  Take a peek at my week, leave a comment, and then head over to The Bowers and see other peoples that order!!


Oh, My Goodness

Instead of Andrew baseball pictures I thought I'd share this photo we took as we were leaving.  I SO remember Andrew being this little and playing baseball.  They are such little bitty guys (and gals).  It is like watching ants scatter when the ball is hit and grown men covering their privates each time the ball is thrown is also really fun to watch.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Yeah...100's on Sunday and we wake up to this on Monday.  I sat at soccer practice with two jackets and a blanket.  Not that 61 is cold...well ok it is cold to me...but it was SO windy.  However, I like this weather WAY more than the 100's.  I makes me feel like it is fall.



Don't take a quick rest in the choir room is the moral of this picture.  You'll be SORRY...

Big Girl

Now if she would only make her bed and do the dishes. 

Gotta Love School Uniforms

I love it when my girl has to get all dressed up for assemblies.  Today her French class performed and they did such a good job.  She and about 8 other girls got to sing the harmony part, they were lovely.


Me and my car were lonely.  Rich went to Iowa to see his kids and left on the red eye tonight.   Bella is happy because she gets to cuddle with me at night, but she was also very sad to see him go.

Yep...Soccer Again

It was a beautiful day for soccer...finally.   Since Rich was gone I was the photographer.  She actually posed for me!!!  Now if only she could get her brother to do the same.

In Summary:
Normal everyday week in the ARo household.  It is obvious, however, that I am really not happy unless the weather is 75 degrees and sunny...I'll admit it I am a weather snob.  If I lived in Iowa I wouldn't mind the extremes, but we pay way to much money to live somewhere that isn't weather perfect...ha ha.  Once again I have the best students, the best kids, and the best husband.  The last one becomes more apparant when he has to go away...

More Later

- A Ro


  1. We are being weirded out by the weather in Ohio, too. Today it should get up to about 85- it will be strange going to the pumpkin patch in shorts and t shirts!

  2. I remember those days of t-ball, too. I went to a game a couple of years ago to see a couple of students who are twins. They were hysterical, especially once they knew I was there!

  3. We were SO hot at homecoming yesterday - I'll be glad when we actually have some fall weather to go with the leaves.

    Bella is so cute in her uniform!

  4. 61 would be a great constant as far as I am concerned!
    Bella looks really tall in the soccer picture. Is she growing again?
    Enjoy your cuddling until Rich comes home!
    Have a great week!

  5. Love her school uniforms.
    We used to wear uniforms a few years ago (at the public schools) but they changed it and now they can wear whatever. I wish they still wore uniforms! lol
    I am lonely when my hubby leaves too...he usually goes for some kind of football reason!
    For you it's much fun!
    And I am with you about the weather. We live in day it's 100 they next...low was cold at practice Tuesday night!

  6. So good to catch up with you again. Enjoyed all the posts after this one too. You have been prolific. Is it because Rich is gone?
    Blessings. Sing praises all week.
