Yes it is true. My father, Mike Andrew, was an amazing man. He could do anything, or so he thought. I am just like him, and according to my sisters in law so are my brothers. I seem to think that I can do anything just because I think I can. I know that this sounds like it is a good thing, and most times it is...however there are those times that it just isn't very productive to think that you can do anything.
Today, my friends, was one of those days.
It all started out great. My dear Bella had a soccer game at 8:00 am which means we had to be there at 7:30. Now this sounds to be already a cause for "having a bad day" alarm...not getting to sleep in on a Saturday. Nope not today, got up in a great mood got to watch Bella play soccer in the cool of the day with this backdrop:
Got home decided that my list of things to do today was this:
wash sheets
Bella shower and scoot kids out the door to dads
straighten up kitchen
vacuum house
mop wood floors
dust bedrooms
make a grocery list
get hair cut
watch episode of Glee I missed
make beds
Now the next thing I did really started the "I am not going to get anything done" ball rolling downhill...
I decided to take a nap...and ended up sleeping until 3:00. However it only got the ball rolling...there was still plenty of day left to get most of the things done on my list...AND I had already got many things STARTED.
I had an hour before my haircut appointment so I decided that I would get the vacuuming done.
I pulled out my month old Dirt Devil vacuum.

I love this is just a little canister vac and it does such a nice job on my hardwood floors, my ceiling fans, and all my hard to reach places...
...I love this vacuum.
I got it out...turned it on...and WHIRRRRRRR (high pitched screeching noise) It really didn't sound siree not right at all...something was wrong, very wrong.
Now the next think I did was what really gave that "I'm not going to get anything done" ball really hightailing it down that hill...and I blame my late, great father.
I decided to take apart the vacuum cleaner to see what was wrong.
Yes you heard it...I decided that I could take apart the vacuum and fix it. I just knew that if I could take it apart I would know how to fix it. I know I have never done it before, I know that I have no idea how a vacuum cleaner works, but something in me made me believe without a shadow of a doubt that I could fix it...gosh darn it.
So I got my screwdriver and started to unscrew the screws to get the top off. I got five screws off and went to the last one and wouldn't you know was stripped. No way was it going to unscrew with a regular screw driver. (Not sure why my brand new vacuum had a stripped screw, but it did)
Now most normal people who are not Mike Andrew's child would have just stopped. They would have said "Oh well I guess I can't take apart the vacuum so I can't fix it" They would have gotten out the other vacuum cleaner and went on their merry "got stuff to do" way. BUT NO...NOT ME...
I just knew that I could get that screw out...take apart the vacuum cleaner...and fix it.
So GS told me that I could get the drill and drill a hole in the screw and get it out. So, gosh darn it, that is what I did. I got the drill, got a bit, and tried to drill a hole in the screw. I proceeded to break my bit.
So most normal people who are not Mike Andrew's child would have just stopped. They would have said "Oh well I can't drill a hole in the screw, so I can't take apart the vacuum, so I can't fix it" They would have gotten out the other vacuum cleaner and went on their merry "got stuff to do" way. BUT NO...NOT ME.
I just knew that I could find a different drill bit, get that screw out, take apart the vacuum cleaner...and fix it.
I decided that after my haircut I would got to Lowes and get a different drill bit. I came home with a drill bit that is designed to drill into stripped screws and get them out. The drill bit was too short to fit into the hole...the "extender" that I used wasn't tight enough for the drill bit.
So most normal people who are not Mike Andrew's child would have just stopped. They would have said "Oh well I can't get the bit into the screw, so I can't drill a hole in the screw, so I can't take apart the vacuum, so I can't fix it." They would have gotten out the other vacuum cleaner and went on their merry "got stuff to do" way. BUT NO...NOT ME.
I just knew that I could drill a hole in that screw, get the screw out, take apart the vacuum cleaner...and fix it.
I wouldn't stop...I wouldn't give up...
Then something happened...
I took the motor out of the vacuum...
It was at that moment that I realized that I had no idea what I was doing...and that I wasn't going to fix the vacuum...and at this point I didn't even know how to put it back together. At this point I realized that I did NOTHING else today, but try to fix that darn vacuum. My hopes and dreams of gettin my list done, were in the garbage can along with 75 pieces of a Dirt Devil canister vacuum.
I felt like a failure...Mike Andrew could have fixed that vacuum...Mike Andrew would have just known what to do...
Well, I at least know what to do...
...go get a new vacuum.
More Later
- A Ro
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