Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Real New Year's Resolution Post....geez

Sorry about the early post, still not sure how that happened.

So we are about one week into the new year and while pondering what to write about I am reminded of the big topic of New Year's Resolutions, because one of mine was to blog more often. Now notice I didn't say that I would blog EVERYDAY because that is really just setting me up for failure. Now, I think you all know what I am talking about because by this time of the new year most of us have already failed on a lot of our resolutions.

Now I am all for setting goals and improving ourselves. I just think that January 1st shouldn't be the day that we start stressing about all the things we don't like about ourselves, but it should be a gift of mindful thought about how we can make the new year the best year it can be.

So a bit of a back story. I subscribe to the magazine Cooking Light. I love this magazine. It is about cooking good whole food in a healthy way. They had an article by Dr. Susan Albers that caught my attention. She isn't a dietitian but a psychologist, and she really hit the nail on the head about what I want most out of my life. It touches on my relationships, my impending loss of Andrew to college, my fear of getting cancer, my obsession with food (both eating it and not eating it), and my life as a teacher.

It all boils down to being mindful. Being mindful with everything you do. Live in every moment and really do things that make you feel good about yourself. Give yourself JOY.

The book I immediately bought for my kindle was her book regarding food. I have an unhealthy obsession with food. Now you might think this means that I am a over eater, but that isn't the big thing for me. My family has a lot of cancer in it, and I just married the man of my dreams and have SO much life to catch up on with him so I am obsessed with food and making sure that I "eat all the right things" so that I can live a very long life. This attitude causes me to diet and restrict and then binge when the restriction gets too much, which it always does.  I have always been someone who loves to cook healthy and I have studied nutrition and eating habits and have found some books that really have changed my life and my attitude towards eating. I am no longer on a diet. I am no longer obsessing about food. I am so happy that I am not worried so much about food. I am concentrating about eating healthy food and eating food that I like.  Now changing habits aren't always perfect, but that is what I love about her she talks a lot about forgiveness and working towards goals not perfection.

Dr. Susan Albers changed my life in my opinion her way is really the only way to change with regards to food.

Here are my books (I would insert a picture but blogger is not cooperating, I have a couple of New Year's resolutions for them):

Michael Pollan - Food Rules

Dr. Susan Albers - Eating Mindfully and her "But I deserve this chocolate!"

The Michael Pollan book tells us all about food and nutrition from a researchers point of view not a dietitian and Dr. Albers book tells us all about how to go about eating.

Put away the diet pills and stop spending money on "weight loss food, and diets".

But most importantly live mindfully, enjoy the moment, and life.  It goes by too fast.  I hope that by January 1st 2014 I am happy, healthier and not sad that another year of my life flew by.

More Later

- A Ro


  1. Now this is something I should embrace! I'm off to check out the books...

  2. I have always had a pretty healthy diet. I grew up with a mom who was an excellent cook and who served salad at every meal. She didn't give us soda/koolaid or lots of junky snacks, and I have always loved fruit and vegetables.

    That being said, I find food so confusing now. My slower metabolism, aging, all the health and cancer warnings about eat this-no don't eat's hard to navigate and know what is best for my body at this age. Good luck with your resolution!
