You are welcome.
1. Why is it that I can complete a master's degree but cannot figure out how to take the videos off the camera and put them on my blog? #skippedtheaudiovisualportionofmydegree
2. Why have the morning car rides turned into a mom vs. kids ordeal? #twentyfourhoursofholidaymusicon103.5
3. Why is it that I am really enjoying the 50 degree temps around here? #youcantakethegirloutofiowabutyoucan'ttaketheiowaoutofthegirl
4. Why do I love Gweneth Paltrow?
5. Why does this picture make me wanna scream??
6. Why do I feel like a 8 year old? #skinnedmykneeagainrunning
7. Why does my scale despise this time of the year? #traderjoespumpkinpieandahalfofacanofwhippedcream
8. Why do I love my daughter? #shelovesandforgiveswithherwholeheart
9. Why do I love my son? #heagreedtoplaythebassforourgleeclubevenifitmeansplayingmariahcarey
10. Why do I have the greatest marriage? #weknoweachothersowellandloveeachandeverybit
More Later
- A Ro
Love the Gwynneth video! I told Dr. M that she was singing & she was pretty good - & he said she IS good, oh & she can sing too. He's so bad :)