Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Hodgepodge

It is time for this weeks Hodgepodge from Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond.  Head on over check out the questions answer on your blog and link up.  In fact make it one of your New Year's resolutions.

1. What three words would you use to describe 2010?
Best Year Ever (I married the man of my dreams)

2. If fear were not an issue what is something you'd like to try?
Teaching music in the inner city.  I just know that I could really help some kids, but my wonderful job and the fear of the unknown keeps me where I am.

3. What do you add to your coffee or tea?
I have sugar and cream with some coffee.  Tea is just tea with a little sweetener.

4. What historical sporting event would you like to witness?
I think I would like to witness the USA's win over the Soviet Union in hockey at the Olympics.  I love a good underdog story.
5. What is one piece of advice you would like to give your sixteen year old self?
Well, I would like to say that I would like to tell myself to not let Rich get away, but then I look at our beautiful kids and would never trade them for anything.  So I would tell myself to lose the blue eyeshadow, the feathered hair, and love every moment from then on.

6. Are you a planner or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants?
P.L.A.N.N.E.R.  I plan everything, but I am flexible...if that makes any sense.

7. What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2011?
Getting to see my family in the Midwest again.  May and August are right around the corner.

8. I usually do a summary but Bella took this video of my niece and nephew and it cracks me up especially what Jojo does at the end.  Make sure you have the volume up.  I love these guys so much!!!

More Later

- A Ro


  1. It has been a special year for you, Congratulations! The video is cute, thanks for sharing!
    until next time... nel

  2. Ha-that video is priceless!
    Dr. Oz is filmed in NYC : )

  3. May and August around the corner? How does it go so quickly? LOVE this video. The cuteness... I die. Looks like something off of AFV. Just saying... If you win it could help pay for your trip. ;)

  4. Congrats on a great year for you and love the video. Adorable!!

  5. How awesome, congratulations on finding the man of your dreams. Loved reading your answers and that video is precious.

  6. Congrats on your marriage. Super cute video. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  7. Visiting from Java. Absolutely love your answer to #1! Congratulations.

  8. Whoops! Visiting from Joyce's Hodgepodge!

  9. What a cute video! You have had a great year - here's hoping 2011 is even better (I don't know how though).

  10. We had the same answer for #4! Love the new look!
