Monday, January 3, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Now that my Christmas Tree is down, my decorations are put away, Starbucks is back to its normal cups, and I must start back to my routine of exercising (gasp), eating something other than sugar cookies and chocolate (gasp), and starting to plan my next semester (gasp).  I thought I would reflect on some things I did during my two week break...and what a break it was!!

I may or may not have ever put on pants that require a zipper.

I may or may not have taught my neice Abby the meaning of bling.
I may or may not have enjoyed the snow...just a little.

I may or may not have wished to have more long drawn out conversations with this guy.
 or this one...

I may or may not have wished I still believed in Santa.

I may or may not have wished I still lived at my Mom's house.

I may or may not have been constantly amazed at how great Rich's kids are and how they fit right in.  Fake it until you make it all you both are wonderful.

I may or may not have about fifty pictures like the one below on my camera.

I may or may not have licked the spoon one or ten times.

I may or may not have cursed myself for wanting to be "crafty".

I may or may not have kissed this face a million times.

I may or may not have secretly loved every minute of Christmas shopping.

I may or may not have fallen in love with this man a hundred times over.

I may or may not have wished I lived in Arkansas.

I may or may not have knitted and pearled until my fingers were numb.

I may or may not have wished for more moments like this one.

or this one...

I may or may not have enjoyed our usual "look Amy is the shortest one" or "mom's wallpaper" picture.

I may or may not have spent entirely too long wrapping presents, due to my obsessive need to have them perfect.

I may or may not have wished that I could spend every New Years Eve with this one.

 I may or may not be the luckiest gal in the whole world.

More Later

- A Ro


  1. There is SERIOUS cuteness in these pics!

  2. Its amazing how quickly the truth, even told gently, was removed.

  3. Comments from cowards who post anonymously and have no idea what the truth is will, of course, be removed.

    It is MY blog, if you don't like what I have to say please stop reading it.
