Things I noticed today:
1. It always take my children (8 and 13) longer to get out of the car, at school, with all their stuff than it does to get into the car...they seem to just lollygag.
2. If I am even 5 minutes behind schedule I get crazy...this is something I really need to work on.
3. I cook a wonderful dinner (see below) that isn't that crazy but my kids would rather eat a turkey sandwich (8 year old) and a pizza bagel (13 year old)...why can't they just like grown up food...and Bella isn't even that picky.
4. I can't wait to write in my blog...even though I only have one follower (thanks Darlene)...very silly, the things that excite me.
5. I love to read the various blogs I follow...this is so new to me, am I crazy for liking to peek into other peoples lives???
6. I hate getting on the scale...but who really does, well there must be someone but if they like to get on the scale they probably don't need to get on the scale...hmmm
7. My students don't always listen to me...for example three vocal jazz students of mine who have rehearsals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:00 am...yes 7:00 am came to school today Monday at 7:00am yes today Monday 7:00 rehearsal today, they swore that I said we had rehearsal one day to "sleep in"...which means up at 5:20 instead of 4:00...
8. My dog, as cute as she is, is always under foot...
9. I should upload all of my picture first and then and learn
Good for you Chicken Enchiladas
I got this recipe from Kelly's Korner's recipe site, but I changed a few things...

10 oz (2 1/2 cups) cooked shredded chicken (i used leftovers from a chicken I roasted)
2 t. olive oil
1 c chopped onion
1 can sliced black olives
1 c your favorite salsa
8 oz reduced fat mexican shredded cheese
1 jar/can enchilada sauce
1 can red. fat cream of mushroom soup
10 low fat whole wheat tortillas

You saute the onion in 2 t. olive oil, then add the chicken, salsa and 3/4th of the cheese. Cook until cheese melts.

Cover with coated foil and place in the oven and cook at 350 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes...

They are about 220 calories an enchilada and that is a rough figure...GS loved them he gave me a big high five. I loved them and they are good for me...not a bad combo. Now if I could just get my kids to try them.
I get up tomorrow at 4:00 am and go for my 3.5 mile run...wish me luck.
Things I am grateful for: 1. My blog 2. my attitude today 3. great colleagues 4. Getting up and getting to do something I love...teach 5. a day to sleep in 6. Harper is doing better and opened her eyes..thank god.
More tomorrow
- A Ro
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