Well I don't REALLY call my self a BLOGGER per say, just some gal who has a blog and blogs sometimes.
Mostly without pictures.
This weekend was so nice, and kinda busy, but really nice.
Friday evening Rich, Bella and I went to see our school's production of "Our Town". Sarah went to the movies with friends and Andrew was at the play too, just not with us...of course. It was SO good. I looked at all the students on that stage who are in my chorus and was suddenly blessed and humbled that they (those awesomely talented students) give me part of their lives and share that talent with me. So humbling.
Saturday morning I got up to run and got dressed stepped outside to find it had just started to rain. Being the animal that I am I got out my rain resistant wind breaker and set out. Well this windbreaker was not the the rain resistant item I had hoped and it only seemed to keep in my body heat so that by the time I was done I was about ready to pass out from heat stroke, and was still wet underneath.
I had no choice but to step into some very large puddles towards the end of my run so my feet were soaked, and of course as I stopped running and warmed down it stopped raining. Yep.
But I did it and I was so proud of myself!!!
And that takes us up to around 8:00 am on Saturday. Rich and I wanted to go to the Farmer's Market badly so we decided that surely it would stop raining. We went to our usual breakfast place and decided that since it hadn't really quit raining completely YET that we would forgo our usually walk from our breakie place to the market and try to park a little closer, but surly by the time we got there it would stop because it doesn't really rain in so cal.
What that translated too was Rich pulling up and since he was driving I would jump out and grab our favorites and jump back in the car and since it was
It was worth it we now have amazing hummus, oh so good stuffed grape leaves, organic strawberries and apples, and our eggs from grass fed chickens. It was worth a little rain.
Since it was supposed to keep raining...much to my obvious surprise...Rich decided to go to Sarah's marching band competition alone. So me and my kidlets went to see Wreck it Ralph.
Yes you heard correctly me and my kidlets (plural) went to see it. Andrew graced us with his presence. Surely it was because he will miss us terribly next year and wants to get as much time with his family.
Yeah denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
Sunday was full of laundry and Andrew's orchestra concert. I love watching him play. I may or may not get teary eyed every time I see him
So there you have it. A rainy So Cal weekend.
Have no fear it is supposed to be in the 70's by Thanksgiving.
I knew you were concerned.
More Later
- A Ro