Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tell Me Why Tuesdays

Well since the Random Dozen is on hiatus I decided to try to come up with something clever for me to blog about on Tuesdays.  This is all I came up with...I tried 

BTW These are hypothetical questions, but feel free to chime in...I did.

Why doesn't popping grapes in your mouth give you the same satisfaction as popping Peanut M&M's? #fruitvschocolate

Why is it so hard to try to figure out how to hang pictures on your wall? #iamnomarthastewert

Why do 14 year olds have to be so fickle?  Just when I feel like we are in emotional neutral...WHAM #momisntfunnyanymore

Why do 9 year old girls have to be so fickle?  Just when I feel like we are in emotional neutral...WHAM #prepubesentbella

Why does my new running route have to be uphill the both ways? #leadlegs

Why do I feel like a dork swimming laps in my new gym's pool with all the super swimmers?  #leadbutt

Why did Andrew refer to our running into Howie Mandel at Starbucks this morning as seeing that germaphobe? #wedidntshakehishand

Why did Andrew originally think that germaphobe meant afraid of Germans? #expensiveprivateschooleducation?

Why does an all you can eat buffet at a Italian restaurant for our baseball banquet tonight sound like a very bad idea? #cantsaynotocarbs

Why are you still reading? #lovethataro!!

More Later

- A Ro


  1. #lovethataro is right! I like to see what nutty thing you'll say next. And I have no answers for - except for the pasta one. Yep, bad idea - but not because of carbs - I'm envisioning a spaghetti fight.

  2. crack. me. up. i #lovethataro, too! :)

  3. thataro is clever! I think you could start your own meme : )

  4. I agree with Joyce! How funny about the germaphobe items! :D

  5. Why did I eat that chocolate creme brulee last night? #selfsabotageatitsfinest
