It is that time again to take a peek into every one's week in pictures...go here to link up or to fulfill that need to see what others are up to. Here's my week.
Monday night is Chuck night. We really look forward to it, and it is the ONE and ONLY show that we all watch together...to be quite honest with you is is the ONE and ONLY show that I watch...period. Notice that my son still does everything he can to not have his picture taken.
Come Here Muffin
These are two of my students. These are two normal high school students...I promise. These two students always make me smile whenever they come into my room. The girl is an upperclassman and the guy is an underclassmen. She thinks he is adorable in the underclassmen sort of way so she calls him muffin. He wears silly glasses that he doesn't need and has a smile that makes me glad to be his teacher. They both cheer me up every time they come into my room...oh wait I already said that.
Even When Sick He Laughs at Me...and Makes Me Laugh Too
Andrew was still really sick on Wednesday so I took him to the doctor. When I pulled out my camera to take his picture he was sitting on a hobby horse. You see we still go to the pediatrician so the waiting room is full of kid toys. He would not look at the camera...remember he hates to have his picture taken. When we were sitting in the exam room he decided to read all the signs in Spanish and then he read them with a Castilian accent. The accent that lisps all the 's's. I was laughing to hard my belly ached. God love him!!
My Turn
I took Andrew out to lunch on Thursday. I started to take his picture and he said "Hey Mom, you always take our pictures for once let me take yours"....so he did. Now his inner dialog was "Hey if I tell her that she should have her picture taken then she won't take mine". Did I mention that he hates to have his picture taken??
Duck and Cover
We had an earthquake drill on Friday. My High School Chorus was in session when the alarm went off. We, obviously, don't have desks to get under, so my students were informed to put their heads and chest under their chairs. This scene totally cracked me up so I had to take a picture.
We're Goin' To Disneyland!!!!
Here is my girl with her three BFF's. It was a birthday party...at Disneyland. My girl is lucky to have such generous friends, because her birthday parties will never be at Disneyland. The living room of our house...maybe.
In Summary: I really need to check my son's birth certificate...doesn't like to be the center of attention...wonder who his mom is?? I love my students and could probably blog entirely about them...and my daughter is blessed with good friends, who just happen to like Disneyland.
More Later
-A Ro