Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Snowmen and Babies

In honor of all those friends and family members who are up to their eyeballs in snow I thought I'd post a picture of the Iowa snow we had fun playing in. By the way, I am using the word "we" in a very general sense...I, personally, did what I could to spend the least amount of time in the cold stuff...

This is Isabella's evil snow baby, as she named it.

She loved making her very own snowman while we were in Iowa.

She thought he was the coolest snowman.

Then Vegas, my parents Jack Russell Terrier, decided he needed, as Isabella put it, "a yellow tie".


In honor of all of you who love babies and who love teenagers who love babies I give you my niece Abby and the teenager who loves her...Andrew.Isn't she such a stinkin' cute carrot top??

Excuse me...I must go fix my breaking heart...

More Later

- A Ro


  1. cute cute carrot top indeed! ha, i don't remember ever seeing such a red headed baby, that is special!

  2. My husband and most of his family are red heads and I was sure I'd end up with red headed children. All blondes. Which of course is adorable too. Maybe I'll get some red headed grand children. She's a doll!

  3. I can always count on a good laugh when I come here. Yellow tie, LOL No snow here though.

  4. Oh, SO cute. My BFF is a redhead, so I have a soft spot in my heart for them!

  5. Precious baby! She really is the cutest thing. I LOVED the evil snow baby - I was sad there wasn't a picture of the yellow tie.

  6. Yeah...We only looked out the window, no one wanted to go out to take the picture...too cold!!

